LD 1203 Gets House Support, Headed To Senate |
Bill MacDonald, Webmaster |
June 6, 2011 |
The Maine House of Representatives, tonight, threw its support behind LD1203 with a
94-49 vote, in favor of the Biddeford Racino and a second tribal racino in Washington
The bill now goes forward to the Maine Senate, who will debate and vote on the bill
sometime this week, maybe as early as Tuesday.
“It was amazing,” says MHHA Executive Director Wendy Ireland, “and it’s really going
to send a strong message to the Senate. Anyone that was wavering in the Senate, I think
we can pull them in with this vote tonight.”
“It was a huge win for the industry and a collaborative effort on everybody’s part.”
Said Ireland. “ The horsemen really played a big part (in this victory) by making calls
to their legislators, and that was huge.”